Overuse of Antibiotics in Food Animals Threatens Public Health - May 19, 2016

From Quaker Oats Company issuing a voluntary recall due to Listeria on one of their products this week to Chipotle's ongoing food safety and E. coli issues in the last year, disease outbreaks in the food industry have become increasingly prevalent. Chipotle's E. coli contamination and outbreak have been suspected to have been from the source of their beef where the pathogens in the meat were passed to other foods in their restaurants. Although many farmers use antibiotics to ward off diseases, including E. coli, many of these diseases still persist because of antibiotic resistant strains. 

Today a large number of investors within the food industry are under pressure to stop serving meat and poultry from animals that are frequently given antibiotics. However, in the United States 80 percent of all antibiotics  are given to animals. This is causing a great issue because there is a proven link between antibiotic use on farms and antibiotic resistant in humans. According to the CDC and FDA, "food animals serve as a reservoir of resistant pathogens and resistance mechanisms that can directly or indirectly result in antibiotic resistant infections in humans."

Use of antibiotics in livestock allows for antibiotic resistant bacteria to thrive while the susceptible or good bacteria are suppressed or die. Resistant bacteria that survive can be transmitted to humans in foods that we eat. The link between food processing animals and humans allows for infections and negative health consequences. The FDA has released regulations on antibiotics intended for use in humans and animals, but until there is better control in the spread of bacteria and there are tools to rapidly respond to outbreaks and changes in resistance there is concern for emerging pathogens. 

UVC disinfection treatments in the food industry have become a new application to improving the safety of food, and are an increasingly necessary tool in the technology fighting against antibiotic resistant bacteria. UVC can reduce and eliminate E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria, fungi, molds, and other pathogens or contaminants on foods and can significantly improve product value and in turn human safety. 

Root Cause of UVC Odor - July 5, 2016

UVC devices have been used for successful disinfection of air and surfaces in multiple industries, more specifically the healthcare industry. However, with the use of these devices it has been often noticed that there is a residual odor after...

People are the most value part of the equation

In the United States, hospitals are in the business of providing healthcare to over 35 million inpatients and performing over 51 million procedures annually. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 5-10% of patients get a...

HCAI's: A Silent Killer - June 17, 2016

"[Infection} can start in the hospital. It can start in the nursing home. It can start at home." The annual reported number of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in hospitals are documented primarily from acute and...

Dreaded Superbug Reaches the U.S. - May 31, 2016

For the first time in the United States, researchers at the Multidrug Resistant Organism Repository and Surveillance Network (MRSN) at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) found a person carrying bacteria that is resistant to the...
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