Update: The White House supports Far UV 222nm! You should too!

We all understand that it's not just one tool in the bag that solves problems. In fact, its entire comprehensive approach with a whole "system" working together to make the best impact. Each layer that is added is one more level of protection that ensures best practices. 

As part of the March 2022 Clean Air Building Challenge, The White House supports using Far UV 222nm in occupied spaces as part of its layered approach to help achieve the minimum 5 equivalent air exchanges required to reduce the spread of infection by 50%. Far UV 222nm can especially be useful in large applications or existing buildings with older ventilation. The great benefit to using Far UV 222nm is that it can clean sterile air with limed movement.

When cleaning a room using Far UV 222nm one must consider three factors. 1. The average UVGI fleece rate (irradiances from multiple sources) produced in the room and its distribution, 2. the rate of vertical air mixing, and 3. the susceptibility of the organism under ambient conditions. Thankfully, using UVC Cleaning Systems Inc. Safezone 222 we can help ensure that all three considerations are optimal for your environment! 

Click here to read the full press release.


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